My name is Jonathan Tse - pronounced 'Chay' - and I am a Junior Software Engineer. I completed a 12-week immersive coding bootcamp with _nology.io between Jan-April 2020, where I learnt the skills to become developer-ready in HTML/CSS, JavaScript, React, Firebase, REST APIs and databases.
In my previous life, I worked at investment banks for 17 years selling Emerging Markets and Foreign Exchange products to hedge funds; I embarked on this exciting career change into software development because I am driven to learn new things and want to retain workplace relevance, whilst embracing technological advances within the global economy.
With my particular career experience, I bring an analytical and macro-minded approach to problem solving, which is greatly reinforced by my strong interpersonal skills within the stakeholder space. I am keen to commence the second phase of my career, and this galvanises me to establish myself quickly within the software engineering universe.
This is my coded version of 'Rock, Paper, Scissors!' employing simple JavaScript functions to define win-conditions and ensuing logic.
My aim was to build a working game that allowed a user to play against the computer, and for the game outcome to be displayed on-screen.
Click to playTIC TAC TOE:
The next step was to code slightly more advanced Javascript logic, and this came in the form of building another game: noughts and crosses, aka tic tac toe.
People of a certain age will recall Matthew Broderick playing this game in the famous ending of the 1983 film 'WarGames'. Watch it here.
Unfortunately, my version is nothing like that.
Click to playGAME WEEK:
This project was created in week 4, which involved building our own version of any game employing HTML, CSS and higher-level JavaScript.
I chose the 1980's handgame 'Simon' - a memory game which involved coding arrays, random number generators and 8-bit sound.
My personal high score is 28...can you beat me? :)
Cementing my knowledge in React and databases, my personal react app utilises an external API to search for any recipe within the Edamam database.
By incorporating components such as Login/sign-in, email authentication, private vs. public pages and a favourites list, the app reflects many features from my learning to date.
For culinary inspiration, feel free to use the Ultimate Recipe Finder to find the meal you will cook tonight!
Click hereTECH TEST:
The exponential function proved to be a useful tool in the following tech test, which called for a way to quickly calculate the doubling rate.
Sequential doubling (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc) is a problem equally framed by the famous: "how many times would it take to fold a piece of paper in half to reach the moon?" (Answer: 42).
This test involved grains of wheat, a chessboard and a very large calculator!
Like music? Love The Drop.
This 5-week immersive client app was the finale project driven by _nology students. Creating The Drop was a project managed in an agile environment, bound by daily scrums and weekly sprints.
The app was subsequently used as the basis of an investor pitch for seed money funding, providing a real-world flavour to the project.
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